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Navigation Buttons
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I changed the navigation buttons in properties and replaced with my design. However, when I view the modules through my browser (IE8)and click the navigation buttons the original courselab button sits behind mine on view. How can I prevent this?
By changed the buttons have you
Replaced the oroginals with new buttons by changing the properties of each button so they point at your new replacement buttons
Physically added a fresh set of custom buttons, that is a whole new set.

In both cases I'd make a copy of a module that is doing this. Open the folder structure and look for the folders containing the original images.
Make sure the original buttons are deleted on the master template then delete the files from the folders.
They should all be gone now and never been seen again unless you do an update of the module objects.
Otherwise I can see a sneakier, or really dirtier way to get rid of them which is to replace all of the original navigation icons with something like a single pixel image file.
02.11.2013 17:01 James Nick wrote:
By changed the buttons have you Replaced the oroginals with new buttons by changing the properties of each button so they point at your new replacement buttonsORPhysically added a fresh set of custom buttons, that is a whole new set.In both cases I'd make a copy of a module that is doing this. Open the folder structure and look for the folders containing the original images.Make sure the original buttons are deleted on the master template then delete the files from the folders.They should all be gone now and never been seen again unless you do an update of the module objects.Otherwise I can see a sneakier, or really dirtier way to get rid of them which is to replace all of the original navigation icons with something like a single pixel image file.

Sorry this has risen again. The deception works fine, the key phrase is, "As long as you don't update objects". Recent work has meant me updating objects with the results you predicted, the ugly buttons are back. To save time, I attempted to change the xsl & xml style sheets, but again on updating my changes were in-effective. Could this problem be considered for future versions of Courselab?
Hi Nick,
I dragged the navigation objects into my master template and then changed properties selecting my own designs. The original button is displayed behind mine when viewing a module in the browser. Sorry if this seems repetitive! I located the source file for a test module, found the Nav buttons (gif files)and replaced with my design. When I tried to run the module it stopped on 90% loading of images suggesting it couldn't find images it looked for. I had removed them. As the xml doc refers to original file names I re-named my images to suit, which didn't work. So, I took your sneaky route and changed the original buttons to 1px and the deception works.
Thanks mate.
Glad it worked OK, thought that it would.
I must have a look at this sometime and see what's going on there.
It might be worth making a much more specific template from scratch, starting from a page with no navigation or themes applied to it (probably where this is falling over) and then adding your own navigation controls.

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