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No sound after publishing
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I use courselab version 2.4, after I published my project. I can't see anything with IE version 11, Chrome version 33 and Opera version 19. It is work only Firefox version 27. But It is no sound. I try to change runtime.xml, but It is not work. Can you help me?

IE 11 has broken lots of things ... what is happening with this is that the start page opens in a browser instance and runs in the correct compatibiility mode, this opens the content up in a new browser instance and the compatibility mode isn't inherited (IE used to do this up to 11) so it tries to run the page in the most current mode and fails.
Blame MS for that.

Check that the sound files are there (in the published module) occasionally the manifest of contents you've used drops sound files not including them in the published module.
This is a problem which mostly affects sound files that you have added.
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